Alternative Truth Websites/Blogs

In the information war of 2020, censorship of anything that doesn’t fit with the official narrative as put out by governments, vaccine companies, health authorities and mainstream media is rampant, and propaganda pushing their deceptive messages down our throats is never-ceasing.

As a direct result of this, there are now a growing number of alternative websites or blogs which host articles and videos and/or seek to publish new ones which expound the ‘real truth’. Also see Alternative Video Hosting Sites.

The following is a list of some of them. It will be added to as we come across new ones. In the meantime, please visit and support them in whatever ways you can.

Information & Content Sharing Websites –

Uncensored Information Dissenting from Mainstream Propoaganda.

DissidentSignPosts is based in Ireland but has a global perspective. If you have suggestions for useful websites, videos and resources that should be shared on this site, you can contact us below. If you want to request hard copies of our A4 PLANdemic and COVID 12 Steps leaflet [example above], let us know and we can have them delivered to you in Ireland [or download for free from]. –

An evidence-based guide.

What is the scientific and medical basis for the measures being put in place for COVID-19? Should we wear face-masks? Is social distancing helpful? Did lockdown prevent deaths? Many people are afraid but all the evidence shows that most of us have nothing to fear. The great majority of people, even in the highest risk groups, will be fine.

This site uses official data and referenced information from widely respected sources around the world. –

GreenMedInfo is dedicated to providing evidence-based natural medical information. Through both open access, paid memberships and high-quality educational products, GreenMedInfo provides physicians, healthcare practitioners, clinicians, researchers and consumers a resource to determine the therapeutic value of vitamins, minerals, herbs and foods. We deeply believe that education equals empowerment and, that with education, people have the power to change their lives and lives of others.

Inter Planetary File System –

IPFS powers the Distributed Web. A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. Here’s how IPFS works: Your file, and all of the blocks within it, is given a unique fingerprint called a cryptographic hash. IPFS removes duplications across the network. Each network node stores only content it is interested in, plus some indexing information that helps figure out which node is storing what. When you look up a file to view or download, you’re asking the network to find the nodes that are storing the content behind that file’s hash. You don’t need to remember the hash, though — every file can be found by human-readable names using a decentralized naming system called IPNS. –

Law or Fiction is a website for ordinary citizens, including lawyers, to understand their rights and how they have been affected, or not, as a result of the UK government’s response to Covid-19. Leaving aside argument over the cost to lives and livelihoods resulting from the sustained lockdown policy and economic damage resulting, the dressing up of unenforceable policy guidance as enforceable rule of law is an issue of serious public concern. –

Extensive articles and information exploring common sense and real scientific analysis of Covid, testing and cases, lockdowns, herd immunity, other pandemics, etc. See their contents here:

The Bernician –

Michael O’Bernicia’s blog.

The Bernician [has drafted] the first legal argument by a lay advocate to be established as a point of UK law; as well as created and published free online content that has had more than 2,000,000 downloads; whilst co-producing, editing and directing his second feature film, The Great British Mortgage Swindle, which was released in the UK on 10/11/2018. The Bernician is also a recalcitrant philosopher, a revisionist historian, the draftsman of Magna Carta 2020.

The Mirror Project – Resistance Platform –

The Mirror Project is a new platform for all those who believe that we are under attack from a new form of tyranny. It is a place to collect and present evidence, give whistleblowers a voice, organise resistance, and educate others.

The Mirror Project has been building a solid following despite the extreme censorship and harassment we have already experienced.

As well as producing an ongoing documentary series designed to spread the word and present facts to the public, we are aiming to develop an interactive, multi-layered map based on the World Economic Forum’s COVID-19 response maps. In this way, we hope to expose the way in which the “pandemic” response will reach into every area of human activity on a global scale – but also counter the mainstream narrative so that the public can understand the real threat we currently face.

UK Column –

Deeply researching links between Common Purpose, the inner reaches of government, public sector fraud and corruption and the EU, our volunteers were also motivated to form “The New Battle of Britain Group”, a campaign group to raise money and help others become more effective in spreading the truth about EU driven criminal activity in UK, and fighting it.

As our readership grew, the Devonport Column was renamed, first to the Plymouth & Devonport Column, and then the UK Column. 

From that tiny spark of free speech, demand for the paper rapidly increased, and with the help of a few very generous start-up donations we were able to expand to 20,000 copies per month, rising to 75,000 in December 2007. To date the UK Column team has printed well over 1 million copies and has worked very hard over the last 9 years to greatly expand efforts on many different fronts.  

Alongside the hard copy papers, our website, ebooks, research groups and forums, we have also given hundreds of public talks across UK and overseas and produced thousands of hours of internet video presentations, documentaries and live weekday news programmes.

Compiled Lists of Alternative Media Websites

Header Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Fantasy city image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Bob Cartoon of 27/11/20 –

Graffiti warehouse image by Peter H from Pixabay

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